actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.CaptionedMediaPlayer
ActionListener method that is called whenever a timeout occurs.
add(BaseStatistic) - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.StatisticsPackage
This function adds a BaseStatistic object to the map and expands the information stored in the package.
add(Object) - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Transcript.TranscriptIterator
This method add a chunk at the current index within the transcript.
addDataPoint(double) - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.DataSetStatistic
This method adds a data point to the set.
addUtterance(Result) - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.CaptionAligner
Adds utterances as they come in from Sphinx.
aligner - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.AutoCaptioner
The CaptionAligner instance that will align all the captions with the in put video.
appendCaption(double, double, String) - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Caption
This method appends another caption chunk on the end of a Caption with the given start and finish time-stamps.
AutoCaptioner - Class in edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap
This class contains all the logic for AutoCap.
AutoCaptioner() - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.AutoCaptioner
This default constructor creates a default instance of AutoCaptioner.


b - Static variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.LCS
Print matrix used to reconstruct an LCS of two sequences
BACKWARD - Static variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Transcript.TranscriptIterator
Indicates the iterator is currently moving backwards.
BaseStatistic - Class in edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools
This class is the base class for all the statistic classes.
BaseStatistic() - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.BaseStatistic
builder - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.CaptionedMediaPlayer
The DocumentBuilder object used for parsing the caption XML file.
buildLCS(Collection) - Static method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.LCS
This method is a helper function that recursively builds the actual LCS for two given collections.
buildLCS(Object[], Collection, int, int) - Static method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.LCS
This recursive method is called by buildLCS and does the actual work of building the LCS from the print matrix.
BURST_MIN_LENGTH - Static variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.CaptionAligner
Burst length for alignment.
bursts - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.CaptionAligner
Linked list of bursts from the utterances in the transcript.


c - Static variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.LCS
Distance matrix used to hold the lengths of the LCS
Caption - Class in edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools
This class represents the basic components of a Transcritp, captions.
Caption() - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Caption
This default contructor creates a default instance of a caption with the start and finish time-stamps set to -1 and the caption text set to the empty string.
Caption(double, String) - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Caption
This constructor creates an instance with the given caption text and given start time-stamp.
Caption(double, double, String) - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Caption
This constructor creates an instance with the given caption text, given start time-stamp and given finish time-stamp.
Caption(String, String) - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Caption
This contructor creates an instance with the given caption text and given start time-stamp, which is in string form.
Caption(String, String, String) - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Caption
This contructor creates an instance with the given caption text, given start and finish time-stamps, which are in string form.
caption - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Caption
The entire text of the caption.
caption - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Caption.CaptionChunk
The text of the caption
caption - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.CaptionedMediaPlayer
The JTextPane object that displays the captions.
Caption.CaptionChunk - Class in edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools
This inner class is responsible for storing the individual caption chunks that make up a caption.
Caption.CaptionChunk(double, double, String) - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Caption.CaptionChunk
This contructor creates a CaptionChunk instance and sets the start and finish times of the caption along with the text of the caption.
CAPTION_ELEMENT_INDEX - Static variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.CaptionedMediaPlayer
First element of the caption file.
CaptionAligner - Class in edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap
This class is reponsible for aligning captions from utterances recognized by Sphinx.
CaptionAligner(Transcript) - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.CaptionAligner
This constructor takes in a DOM Document that contains captioning information for a particular presentation.
CaptionedMediaPlayer - Class in edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools
This class is reponsible for aggregating a Player object and an XML file containing captions and playing those captions back with synchronized with a media file.
CaptionedMediaPlayer() - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.CaptionedMediaPlayer
The default constuctor.
CaptionEstimator - Interface in edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap
The responsiblity of classes that implement this interface is to estimate captions that have no time-stamp after the Recognition and Alignment phases of the AutoCap process.
captionIndex - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.CaptionedMediaPlayer
Index of the current caption.
captionIterator(int) - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Transcript
This method returns a ListIterator instance that allows for bidirectional sequential access to each of the segments within a transcript.
captionList - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.CaptionedMediaPlayer
The list of captions and their times.
captions - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Caption
A list of each caption chunk that makes up the entire caption
captions - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.CaptionedMediaPlayer
The Document object that actually contains the caption XML file.
captions - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Transcript
The individual segments, or caption, that make up the Transcript.
CAPTIONS_ELEMENT_NAME - Static variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.CaptionedMediaPlayer
Name of captions element in XML file.
captionTimer - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.CaptionedMediaPlayer
The timer that is used to synchronize the media and the caption text.
chunkIterator(int) - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Transcript
This method returns an Iterator instance that allows the sequential access to each chunk of a Transcript rather than each segment.
collectBursts() - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.CaptionAligner
This method collects all the burst of minimum lenght of recognized, and therefore time-stamped words.
collectStatistics(Transcript) - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.InterCoverageCaptionEstimator
This method is called at the end of the estimation process in order to collect statistics about how well the speech recognition system performed while transcribing the input media.
collectStatistics(Transcript) - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.NaiveCaptionEstimator
This method is called at the end of the estimation process in order to collect statistics about how well the speech recognition system performed while transcribing the input media.
completeTranscriptTimes(Transcript) - Method in interface edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.CaptionEstimator
This method performs the caption estimation for a given transcript.
completeTranscriptTimes(Transcript) - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.InterCoverageCaptionEstimator
This method performs the caption estimation for a given transcript.
completeTranscriptTimes(Transcript) - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.NaiveCaptionEstimator
This method performs the caption estimation for a given transcript.
container - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.CaptionedMediaPlayer
The Container object that holds the captions and media controls.
controllerUpdate(ControllerEvent) - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.CaptionedMediaPlayer
Listener method that reacts to media events from the player.
covered - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.NaiveCaptionEstimator
Vector that holds all the caption that have at least some words in it recognized by the speech recognition phase, but not necessarily the first word.
createTimedCaption(LinkedList, LinkedList, LinkedList) - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.CaptionAligner
Creates a timed caption from a burst.
createTimeString(int) - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.QADTranscriptFileWriter
Helper function that converts and integer, representing the number of seconds, into a string of the format HH:MM:SS.
currCaption - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Transcript.TranscriptIterator
currWord - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Transcript.TranscriptIterator


Data - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.DataSetStatistic
A linked list containing all the data in the data set.
DataSetStatistic - Class in edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools
This class represents a statistic that represents a set of statistical information.
DataSetStatistic(String, Collection) - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.DataSetStatistic
This constructor creates a DataSetStatistic with a given name and with data from the specified collection.
DataSetStatistic(String) - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.DataSetStatistic
This contructor builds a DataSetStatistic instance with the name specified by "name" with an empty data set.
DIAG - Static variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.LCS
Indicates a move should be diagnal within the Print matrix
Direction - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Transcript.TranscriptIterator
Indicates the current direction of the iterator as indicated by the last call to either previous() or next().
displayString() - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.DataSetStatistic
This method returns a string that can be used to neatly show the statistical information associated with this particular instance.
displayString() - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.DoubleStatistic
This method returns a string that can be used to neatly show the statistical information associated with this particular instance.
displayString() - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.IntegerStatistic
This method returns a string that can be used to neatly show the statistical information associated with this particular instance.
displayString() - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.PercentageStatistic
This method returns a string that can be used to neatly show the statistical information associated with this particular instance.
displayString() - Method in interface edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Statistic
This method returns a string that can be used to neatly show the statistical information associated with a particular instance.
DoubleStatistic - Class in edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools
This class represents a statistic that represents double information.
DoubleStatistic(String, Double) - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.DoubleStatistic
This contructor builds a DoubleStatistic instance with the name specified by "n" and with the value, as a double, specified by i.
DoubleStatistic(String, double) - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.DoubleStatistic
This contructor builds a DoubleStatistic instance with the name specified by "n" and with the value, as a double, specified by i.


edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap - package edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap
edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools - package edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools
endPat - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.CaptionAligner
RegEx pattern for matching the end of a time from Sphinx.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.BaseStatistic
This method overrides the equals method defined in java.lang.Object.
EstimatedBeginning - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.InterCoverageCaptionEstimator
Estimated beginning time of first caption.
EstimatedEnd - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.InterCoverageCaptionEstimator
Estimated finish time of last caption.
estimateEnds(Transcript) - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.InterCoverageCaptionEstimator
This method estimates the starting time for the first and last captions if no time-stamp has been determined for either.
extractSentences(Transcript) - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.CaptionAligner
Extracts sentences from XML document that contains captioning information for a presentation.


factors - Static variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Caption
Multiplication factors for parsing a time from a string.
findCaptionIndex(double) - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.CaptionedMediaPlayer
A helper function that finds the caption closest to the time given with in the media stream.
finishTime - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.CaptionAligner
Holds finish time of aligning so time can be measured.
finishTime - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Caption.CaptionChunk
The time-stamp that indicates when the end of the caption chunk occured in the media file.
FORWARD - Static variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Transcript.TranscriptIterator
Indicates the iterator is currently moving forward.


getAlignedCaptions() - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.CaptionAligner
Aligns the captions that we have collected.
getAsText() - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Transcript
This method returns the entire transcript, minus time-stamps, as text to the caller.
getCaption() - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Caption.CaptionChunk
This accessor method returns the text of the caption chunk, or word.
getCaption() - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Caption
This accessor method returns the all the caption chunks as a String.
getCaption(int) - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Transcript
This method returns the ith segment, or caption, withing the Transcript.
getFinishTime() - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Caption.CaptionChunk
This accessor method returns the finish time-stamp of the caption.
getFinishTime() - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Caption
This mutator method sets the finish time-stamp for the caption.
getFirstChunk() - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Caption
This accessor method returns the first caption chunk, which should be a word of the caption.
getLastChunk() - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Caption
This accessor method returns the last caption chunk, which should be a word of the caption.
getLCS(Collection, Collection) - Static method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.LCS
This method computes the LCS of two collections and returns it as a collection.
getLCSIndices(Collection, Collection) - Static method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.LCS
This method returns an embedding with respect to x for the sequences x and y.
getLCSIndices(Collection, int, int) - Static method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.LCS
This method is a helper function that computes the indices of an LCS for a given collection.
getMaxError() - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Caption.CaptionChunk
This accessor method returns the estimated maximum error associated with the start time-stamp of a CaptionChunk instance.
getMaxError() - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Caption
This accessor function returns the maximum caption error associated with the start time-stamp of the caption.
getMean() - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.DataSetStatistic
This method returns the mean of all data points in the set.
getMedian() - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.DataSetStatistic
This method calculates and returns the median value of the data points in the set.
getMode() - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.DataSetStatistic
This method returns the mode of all the data points in the set.
getName() - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.BaseStatistic
This method returns the name associated with the statistical information.
getName() - Method in interface edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Statistic
This method returns the name associated with the statistical information.
getShortestEmbedding(Collection, Collection) - Static method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.LCS
This method returns the shortest embedding with respect to x between subsequences x and y.
getShortestEmbeddingFrom(Collection, Collection, int, int) - Static method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.LCS
This method returns the shortest embedding with respect to x between subsequences x and y starting from startI and startJ the distance matrix.
getStartTime() - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Caption.CaptionChunk
This accessor method returns the start time-stamp of the caption.
getStatistic(String) - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.StatisticsPackage
This accessor method allows the retrieval of individual BaseStatistics instances from the package.
getStatisticsPackage() - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Transcript
This method returns the StatisticsPackage instance associated with an instance of a Transcript class.
getStdDev() - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.DataSetStatistic
This method calculates are returns the standard deviation of all the data in the set.
getTime() - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Caption
This accessor method returns the start time-stamp for the caption.
getValue() - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.BaseStatistic
This method returns the value of the statistical information.
getValue() - Method in interface edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Statistic
This method returns the value of the statistical information.
getWordLCS(String, String) - Static method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.LCS
This method computes the LCS of two stringss and returns it as a string.


hasNext() - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Transcript.TranscriptIterator
This method determines whether another caption chunk exists if a subsequent call to next() is made.
hasPrevious() - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Transcript.TranscriptIterator
This method determines whether another caption chunk exists if a subsequent call to previous() is made.


Index - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Transcript.TranscriptIterator
Index of the current word in the current segment in the transcript.
IntegerStatistic - Class in edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools
This class represents a statistic that represents integer information.
IntegerStatistic(String, Integer) - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.IntegerStatistic
This contructor builds a IntegerStatistic instance with the name specified by "n" and with the value, as an integer, specified by i.
IntegerStatistic(String, int) - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.IntegerStatistic
This contructor builds a IntegerStatistic instance with the name specified by "n" and with the value, as an integer, specified by i.
InterCoverageCaptionEstimator - Class in edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap
The responsiblity of this class is to estimate captions that have no time- stamp after the Recognition and Alignment phases of the AutoCap process.
InterCoverageCaptionEstimator(double) - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.InterCoverageCaptionEstimator
This constructor creates an instance of the InterCoverageCaptionEstimator with the given global speaking rate.
InterCoverageCaptionEstimator(double, double, double) - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.InterCoverageCaptionEstimator
This constructor creates an instance of InterCoverageCaptionEstimator with the given spekaing rate and the given estimated start time and end time of the media.
iterator() - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Caption
This method returns an Iterator that allows for the sequential access to each chunk of the caption.
iterator() - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.StatisticsPackage
This method allows the user to iterator through each BaseStatistic instance in the package.
iterator() - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Transcript
This method returns an Iterator instance that can be used to sequentially access each segment of the Transcript instance.


join(Collection) - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.CaptionAligner
Helper function similar to PERL's join function.


LANGUAGE_ELEMENT_NAME - Static variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.CaptionedMediaPlayer
Name of the language element in XML file.
LCS - Class in edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools
This class is responsible for finding the Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) of a set.
LCS() - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.LCS
LEFT - Static variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.LCS
Indicates a move should be to the left within the Print matrix
listIterator(int) - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Caption
This method returns an Iterator that allows for the sequential access to each chunk of the caption.
listIterator(int) - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.StatisticsPackage
This method allows the user to iterator through each BaseStatistic instance in the package.


main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.AutoCaptioner
This method is the main method for running the AutoCap application.
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.InterCoverageCaptionEstimator
This method is used for testing purposes only, and is not necessary for the normal operation of AutoCap.
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.CaptionedMediaPlayer
Instantiates the CaptionedMediaPlayer and parses the command line arguments to make sure the right number of arguments are passed in.
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.DataSetStatistic
This method is meant for testing purposes and is not call in the operation of AutoCap.
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.LCS
This main method is for testing and debugging purposes.
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.QADTranscriptFileReader
This method is for testing purposes only.
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.QADTranscriptFileWriter
This method is for testing purposes only.
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Transcript
This main method is for testing purposes only.
maxError - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Caption.CaptionChunk
The estimated maximum error for the start of the word.
MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND - Static variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.CaptionedMediaPlayer
Number of milliseconds per second.


NaiveCaptionEstimator - Class in edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap
The responsiblity of this class is to estimate captions that have no time- stamp after the Recognition and Alignment phases of the AutoCap process.
NaiveCaptionEstimator(double) - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.NaiveCaptionEstimator
This constructor creates an instance of the NaiveCaptionEstimator with the given speaking rate.
Name - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.BaseStatistic
The name associated with the statistical information.
next() - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Transcript.TranscriptIterator
This method returns the next transcript chunk if one exists.
nextCaptionWord() - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Transcript.TranscriptIterator
This method is a helper function that moves the current transcript segment forward to the next segment.
nextIndex() - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Transcript.TranscriptIterator
This method returns the index of the transcript chunk for the next call to the next() method.


parseCaptions(Document) - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.CaptionedMediaPlayer
Helper method that parses the XML file and stores each caption in a vector.
parseTime(String) - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Caption
This method is a helper function that parses a time-stamp of the form "HH:MM:SS" from a string and returns the number of seconds rempresented by the string.
PercentageStatistic - Class in edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools
This class represents a statistic that represents percentage information.
PercentageStatistic(String, Double) - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.PercentageStatistic
This contructor builds a PercentageStatistic instance with the name specified by "n" and with the value, as a percentage, specified by i.
PercentageStatistic(String, double) - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.PercentageStatistic
This contructor builds a PercentageStatistic instance with the name specified by "n" and with the value, as a percentage, specified by i.
play(Player, Document) - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.CaptionedMediaPlayer
This method is called to play a media file along with its captions.
player - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.CaptionedMediaPlayer
The player object from JMF to play the media file.
populateMatrix(Collection, Collection) - Static method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.LCS
This method is called to popluate both the distance and print matrix.
PREFERRED_CAPTION_HEIGHT - Static variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.CaptionedMediaPlayer
Preferred height of the Swing widget that displays the caption.
previous() - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Transcript.TranscriptIterator
This method returns the previous transcript chunk if one exists.
previousCaptionWord() - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Transcript.TranscriptIterator
This method is a helper function that moves the current transcript segment backward to the previous segment.
previousIndex() - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Transcript.TranscriptIterator
This method returns the index of the transcript chunk for the next call to the previous() method.


QADTranscriptFileReader - Class in edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools
This class is an implementation of the TranscriptFileReader interface that is used to read transcripts from disk in the format used for educational materials created by QAD, Inc.
QADTranscriptFileReader() - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.QADTranscriptFileReader
This default constructor creates a default instance of the QADTranscriptFileReader class.
QADTranscriptFileWriter - Class in edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools
This class is an implementation of the TranscriptFileWriter interface that is used to write transcripts to disk in the format used for educational materials created by QAD, Inc.
QADTranscriptFileWriter() - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.QADTranscriptFileWriter
This default constructor creates a default instance of the QADTranscriptFileWriter class.


Raw - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.CaptionAligner
Linked list of all words in the trancript.
RawText - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.CaptionAligner
Raw text of all recognized words
readTranscript(InputStream) - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.QADTranscriptFileReader
This method accepts an InputStream instance to read captions and time stamps from in order to create an instance of a Transcript object.
readTranscript(Document) - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.QADTranscriptFileReader
This method accepts a Document instance to read captions and time stamps from in order to create an instance of a Transcript object.
readTranscript(InputStream) - Method in interface edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.TranscriptFileReader
This method accepts an InputStream instance to read captions and time stamps from in order to create an instance of a Transcript object.
readTranscript(Document) - Method in interface edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.TranscriptFileReader
This method accepts a Document instance to read captions and time stamps from in order to create an instance of a Transcript object.
remove(BaseStatistic) - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.StatisticsPackage
This function removes a BaseStatistic object from the map and contracts the information stored in the package.
remove() - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Transcript.TranscriptIterator
This method removes a chunk at the current index within the transcript.
removeDataPoint(double) - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.DataSetStatistic
This method removes a data point from the set.
reportResearchStatistics(Transcript) - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.AutoCaptioner
This method reports the statistics used for research.
reportStatistics(Transcript) - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.AutoCaptioner
This method reports the statistics used for the user interface.


sentencesCovered - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.CaptionAligner
Holds number of sentences with some coverage.
set(Object) - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Transcript.TranscriptIterator
This method sets a chunk at the current index within the transcript to the value passed into the method.
setCaption(String) - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Caption.CaptionChunk
This mutator method sets the text of the caption chunk.
setFinishTime(double) - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Caption.CaptionChunk
This mutator method sets the finish time-stamp associated with the caption chunk.
setFinishTime(double) - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Caption
This accessor method returns the finish time-stamp for the caption.
setMaxError(double) - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Caption.CaptionChunk
This mutator method sets the maximum caption error associated with a caption chunk.
setMaxError(double) - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Caption
This mutator method sets the maximum error associated with the caption.
setName(String) - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.BaseStatistic
This method sets the name associated with the statistical information.
setName(String) - Method in interface edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Statistic
This method sets the name associated with the statistical information.
setStartTime(double) - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Caption.CaptionChunk
This mutator method sets the start time-stamp associated with the caption chunk.
setStartTime(double) - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Caption
This mutator method sets the start time-stamp for the caption.
setTranscribeOnly(boolean) - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.AutoCaptioner
This method is used to set parameter transcribeOnly.
setValue(Object) - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.BaseStatistic
This method sets the value of the statistical information.
setValue(Object) - Method in interface edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Statistic
This method sets the value of the statistical information.
size() - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Caption
This method returns the number of chunks, or words in the caption.
size() - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Transcript
SpeakingRate - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.CaptionAligner
Collects all the speaking rates for analysis
SpeakingRate - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.InterCoverageCaptionEstimator
Global speaking rate of speaker recorded during the recognition phase of the AutoCap process.
SpeakingRate - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.NaiveCaptionEstimator
Global speaking rate of speaker recorded during the recognition phase of the AutoCap process.
speakingTime - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.CaptionAligner
Holds the amount of time speaking during bursts.
start(String, String) - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.AutoCaptioner
This method is called from main to start recognizing a file.
startPat - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.CaptionAligner
RegEx pattern for matching the start of a time from Sphinx.
startTime - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.CaptionAligner
Holds start time of aligning so time can be measured.
startTime - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Caption.CaptionChunk
The time-stamp that indicates when the start of the caption chunk occured in the media file.
Statistic - Interface in edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools
This interface allows for the storage of statistical information for a specific running of AutoCap and associate a name with the information for efficient retrieval and convenience when displaying the data.
Statistics - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.StatisticsPackage
The container that maps each Statistics object with its name.
StatisticsPackage - Class in edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools
The responsibility of the StatisticsPackage is to keep the information collected during a specific running of AutoCap and allow access and print out that information as needed during research.
StatisticsPackage() - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.StatisticsPackage
This default constructor creates a default instance of the class.
StatisticsPackage(Collection) - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.StatisticsPackage
This contructor creates an instance of the StatisticsPackage and fills in the map with each element of the Container instance passed to the constructor.
Stats - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Transcript
The statistics package associated with an instance of a Transcript.
stop() - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.CaptionedMediaPlayer
This method is called when the media playing is stopped.
Sum - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.DataSetStatistic
A running sum of all the data in the data set.
SUPPORTED_MEDIA_RATE - Static variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.CaptionedMediaPlayer
SYMBOLS - Static variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.LCS
Symbols used to print the Print matrix for debuggin purposes


text - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.CaptionAligner
Linked list of all words in text, lowercase and punctuation removed.
TEXT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME - Static variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.CaptionedMediaPlayer
Name of the text attribute in XML file.
TIME_ELEMENT_NAME - Static variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.CaptionedMediaPlayer
Name of the time stamp element in XML file.
Timed - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.CaptionAligner
Linked list of all recognized words and their time-stamps as returned by Sphinx.
totalSentences - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.CaptionAligner
Holds total number of sentences in transcript.
totalWords - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.CaptionAligner
Holds total number of words in transcript.
transcribeOnly - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.AutoCaptioner
Indicates whether alignment is done, or just transcription.
transcript - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.CaptionAligner
Collection of transcripts of type Caption.
Transcript - Class in edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools
This class represents the basic abstraction of a Transcript: a collection of text segments and a time stamp representing when the first word of the collection segment was spoken.
Transcript() - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Transcript
This default contructor creates a default instance of a Transcript.
Transcript(Collection) - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Transcript
This contructor creates an instance of a Transcript and creates a segment for each element of the Collection object passed to it.
Transcript.TranscriptIterator - Class in edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools
The responsibility of this inner class is to provide an iterator interface to the transcript class for the purpose of breaking a transcript into its individual chunks.
Transcript.TranscriptIterator(ListIterator, int) - Constructor for class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.Transcript.TranscriptIterator
This constructor creates a new instances of the Transcript iterator from a ListIterator instance and the index of the current chunk in the list.
TranscriptFileReader - Interface in edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools
This class was created to allow for the easy integration of many file formats for specifying captions.
TranscriptFileWriter - Interface in edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools
This class was created to allow for the easy integration of many file formats for specifying captions.


UncoveredRate - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.CaptionAligner
Collects all speaking rates for unrecognized word bursts.
UncoveredWords - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.CaptionAligner
UP - Static variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.LCS
Indicates a move should be up within the Print matrix


Value - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.BaseStatistic
The value associated with the statistical information.
VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME - Static variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.CaptionedMediaPlayer
Name of the value attribute in XML file.
Var - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.DataSetStatistic
A running variance of all the data in the data set.


wordsMatched - Variable in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.autocap.CaptionAligner
Holds number of words from transcript matched.
writeTranscript(Transcript, OutputStream) - Method in class edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.QADTranscriptFileWriter
This method accepts a Transcript object in order for the caption and time- stamps to be written to an OutputStream.
writeTranscript(Transcript, OutputStream) - Method in interface edu.ucsb.nmsl.tools.TranscriptFileWriter
This method accepts a Transcript object in order for the caption and time- stamps to be written to an OutputStream.